Hand-made sculptures will be sold through SpiritsandCompany.com!
What does one fear of the night if one is light?
A piece aimed towards garnering self-empathy by separating the emotion from the viewer and imbuing it in a small anthropomorphic vessel, thereby setting an opportunity for the viewer to become the observer.
Process Photos
Where is the hearth from which you burn?
This piece hopes to remind the viewer of the threads that pique our curiosity, those that lead us into more awareness and understanding. It aims to place the viewer in the moment of discovery, before judgement and fear can take hold - where do we go now?
Process Photos
How heavy is the responsibility of our thoughts?
Bearing one’s light can create an internal pressure not many can overtly see but here the symbolism of light hangs heavy and the being sweats underneath. What internal dialogue weighs our minds? And how do our thoughts affect our being?
Where do we go now?
Separation is the smallest vessel in the series with the tallest light and is a gentle reminder of the space and distance sometimes needed for our emotions to settle.
Is to live simply to suffer well?
Release utilizes the eyes of the vessels as a source of light and emanation. What can be seen as sad on one end can be also seen as the necessary relinquishment that allows one’s emotions to flow through and out rather than kept within.
We tickle the riddle for whom?
The hierophant is traditionally defined as the interpreter of sacred mystery. Who is the one that spins the tale, that asks and answers the question with rhyme? Light pours out of the vessel’s mouth, illuminating words as waves.
When two become one, what’s left to be done?
Two vessels make up this piece, soft touches that asks the viewer who moved first? A hand on the knee, another on the shoulder, feet intertwined with gentle familiarity. The heart weighs heavy with no solution but comfort through acceptance.
How do we choose?
Bank is a play on the conventional piggy bank, complete with coin slot and cork stopper but the belly is exposed, ribs and all, and thus renders the act of saving as a conundrum. What are we saving for later?